Wells Fargo Routing Numbers and other information like phone number, address are given here. If you are searching for Wells Fargo Routing Numbers then you have come at right place. Please scroll down below to see the full list of chase Wells Fargo bank routing number of your area.
What is my Wells Fargo Routing Number? and How to find Wells Fargo Routing Numbers? are some of the most searched questions. We have listed here routing number for Bank Wire Transfer Both inside USA and International, Direct Deposit, checking and savings accounts, prepaid cards, IRAs, lines of credit, Command Asset Program etc.
States | Wells Fargo Routing Number | Domestic Wire Transfer | International Wire Transfer |
Alabama | 062000080 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Alaska | 125200057 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Arizona | 122105278 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Arkansas | 111900659 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
California | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Colorado | 102000076 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Connecticut | 021101108 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Delaware | 031100869 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Florida | 063107513 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Georgia | 061000227 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Hawaii | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Idaho | 124103799 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Illinois | 071101307 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Indiana | 074900275 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Iowa | 073000228 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Kansas | 101089292 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Kentucky | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Louisiana | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Maine | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Maryland | 055003201 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Massachusetts | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Michigan | 091101455 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Minnesota | 091000019 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Mississippi | 062203751 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Missouri | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Montana | 092905278 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Nebraska | 104000058 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Nevada | 321270742 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
New Hampshire | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
New Jersey | 021200025 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
New Mexico | 107002192 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
New York | 026012881 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
North Carolina | 053000219 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
North Dakota | 091300010 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Ohio | 041215537 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Oklahoma | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Oregon | 123006800 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Pennsylvania | 031000503 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Rhode Island | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
South Carolina | 053207766 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
South Dakota | 091400046 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Tennessee | 064003768 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Texas | 111900659 and 112000066 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Utah | 124002971 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Vermont | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Virginia | 051400549 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Washington | 125008547 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
West Virginia | 121042882 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Wisconsin | 075911988 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
Wyoming | 102301092 | 121000248 | WFBIUS6S |
How to Find Wells Fargo Routing Numbers?
The most common method for payments today are normally ACH (Automated Clearing House) and Wire Transfer. To process these payments you will need to input the proper Wells Fargo Routing Number so that bank can process this transaction. So for Processing checks, Wire Transfer , Direct deposit, Automatic Payment, Electronic funds transfer you will need the Routing Transit Number. It helps in identifying the correct bank or financial institution for process the transaction.
There are many ways to find the Routing Number of Wells Fargo Bank. One of the most easiest way is to look at your check. On personal check it is usually the 1st nine digit number. On business check it is the 2nd nine digit number.
Personal Check
Business check