Costco Holiday Hours

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Are you searching for Costco Holiday Hours List. You might be having questions like Is Costco closed on this holiday or is it open and what is open and close timings. We have given below all important details for Costco Holiday Hours.

Costco, A big American Company, founded in 1983 is one of the largest wholesale and retail warehouses in United States. It is also number one in membership only Warehouse club in America. Costco offers a range of services including gas, business, electronics,pharmacy , financial services, tech support, merchandise and many more. It is also the biggest Pizza chain in United States. It is headquarters in Issaquah, Washington, USA.

We have listed below Weekend timings for Costco Stores.

Warehouse Open and Close Timings on Weekends
Day Timings
Saturday 09:30 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Costco Business Open and Close Timings on Weekends
Saturday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunday Closed
Note : timings may vary in different states

On Usual day, Monday to Friday, Costco Stores are usually open 10 AM to 8:30 PM. On Saturdays it opens 30 minutes earlier at 09:30 AM and closes at 6 PM. On Sunday also it is closes at 6:00 PM but it Opens at 10 AM. Costco values family time for its employees, so they always make sure to close the stores in evening in weekends. Costco also remain closed on Federal and national holidays. On other holidays like Good Friday etc, they follow Sunday timings.

Here is the List of Costco Holiday Hours

See also  Is Costco Open On Memorial Day
Holiday Open/Closed
Martin Luther King Day Open
President’s Day Open
St Patrick’s Day Open
Columbus Day Open
Easter Monday Open
Easter Saturday Open
Good Friday Open
Veteran Day Open
Haloween Open
Eid Open
Thanksgiving Day Open

Costco is closed in USA on following Holidays

Holidays Closed/Open
Independence Day Closed
Easter Sunday Closed
Memorial Day Closed
Christmas Day Closed
Labor Day Closed
New Year’s Day Closed
Thanksgiving Day Closed

Costco Holiday Hours

So Costco is closed only on 7 holidays and on rest holidays it is open and usually follows sunday’s schedule. Do rate and comment if you want to add anything to this list. We hope that this post is very helpful to you. Please visit our site to get more information on open and close hours.

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