Walmart in San Diego – Locations and Hours

Walmart in San Diego, California : Get full details such as address, nearest Walmart store direction and shortest route , Walmart hours of operation in San Diego, address, phone number and contact details. It will be very easy to find Walmart Store Near Me by using our Interactive Google Map tool given below. Please scroll down to use Map and search for Walmart Stores in San Diego.

Walmart Locations in San Diego

Please use the below map to find the store in your area.

Some of The Popular Walmart Stores in San Diego near your area are given below.

Store Name Address Phone Number Walmart Hours of Operation Website
Walmart Supercenter 3412 College Ave 1 619-858-0071 Mon – Sun : 6AM – 11AM Link
Walmart Neighborhood Market 4840 Shawline St 1 858-268-2885 Mon – Sun : 6AM – 11AM Link
Walmart 2121 Imperial Ave 1 619-849-5729 Mon – Sun : 6AM – 11AM Link

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